Physical Therapy
Function & Mobility, Massage Therapy, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Orthopedics, OT Blogs & Columns, OT Specialties, Physical Therapy, PT, PT Specialties, Rehabilitation Therapy
Components of a Successful Joint Replacement Program
How joint replacement became a fairly routine outpatient procedure Advances in total joint replacement surgeries can be divided…
Lifestyle Medicine For Physical Therapists
By empowering our patient’s with holistic lifestyle choices, we are investing in positive change for our respective communities.…
Massage Therapy, Nursing, Nursing News, Pain Management, Physical Therapy, PT, PT Blogs & Columns, PT Specialties, Rehabilitation Therapy
Study: Early PT Reduces Risk of Opioid Use
Stanford, Duke researchers add to mounting pile of evidence in favor of physical rehabilitation Recently, we’ve had the…
Top 6 2019 New Year’s Resolutions for Healthcare Professionals
According to Forbes, approximately 40% of Americans make New Years resolutions. Do you know how many actually achieve…
Paralyzed and Pregnant:
Dual Case Study of SCI during Pregnancy In 2017 approximately 285,000 individuals in the US were afflicted with…
Certified Neonatal Therapists
A Multi-Disciplinary Neonatal Therapy Certification Neonatal Therapists: Who are we? Neonatal therapists are an essential part of the…
Tough Conversations: Parents & Powered Mobility
Powered mobility can be a great way to give a child additional functionality and greater independence. But it…
ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine eMagazine, August 2016
Features Bump, Set, Spike Professional beach volleyball is a high-octane sport fraught with potential dangers. First Steps to…
ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine eMagazine, June 20, 2016
Features Soaring Beyond Borders Physical therapist Jared Vagy gets the opportunity of a career with the Chinese National…
Patient Handout: Eccentric Training for Tennis Elbow
DOWNLOAD NOW A 5-step eccentric exercise strengthening program can resolve chronic cases of lateral epicondylitis, also known as…
2016 Physical Therapy Salaries: South Region
Find out what rehab professionals earn in this part of the country. Every year at ADVANCE, we…
ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine eMagazine, March 14, 2016
Features Money Matters Revealing the results of our comprehensive nationwide survey of PT and PTA salaries. Better Breathing…