Massage Therapy
2019 Massage Therapy Salary Survey
Welcome to the 2019 Massage Therapy Salary Survey! We are working to compile timely and relevant salary data…
Study: More Than One-Third of U.S. Children Experience Back Pain
Young people not immune to common affliction Recent research conducted by doctor from the Hospital for Special Surgery…
Pain Neuroscience Education
Physical therapists working with patients with chronic pain should consider use of Pain Neuroscience Education to help this…
Myofascial Release: What Is It and How Can It Help?
Supporters claim help to thousands, detractors point to lack of evidence The idea of myofascial release isn’t anything…
Hands OFF!
How instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization can benefit rehab professionals Over the years, rehabilitation professionals have worked tirelessly to…
Reflexology and the Special Needs Child
Helping Each of these Children Feel More Comfortable and at Peace in their Bodies and their Emotions When…
Electrical Stimulation
A treatment program for urgency urinary incontinence Urgency urinary incontinence, which is the involuntary loss of urine associated…
Function & Mobility, Massage Therapy, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Orthopedics, OT Blogs & Columns, OT Specialties, Physical Therapy, PT, PT Specialties, Rehabilitation Therapy
Components of a Successful Joint Replacement Program
How joint replacement became a fairly routine outpatient procedure Advances in total joint replacement surgeries can be divided…
Massage Therapy, Nursing, Nursing News, Pain Management, Physical Therapy, PT, PT Blogs & Columns, PT Specialties, Rehabilitation Therapy
Study: Early PT Reduces Risk of Opioid Use
Stanford, Duke researchers add to mounting pile of evidence in favor of physical rehabilitation Recently, we’ve had the…
Top 6 2019 New Year’s Resolutions for Healthcare Professionals
According to Forbes, approximately 40% of Americans make New Years resolutions. Do you know how many actually achieve…