Massage Therapy
Time Management Essentials Part 2: Time-Wasters
Time Management Essentials Part 2: Eliminate Time-Wasters Welcome to the second installment of our blog miniseries: Time Management…
Time Management Essentials Part 1: Weekly Plans
Time Management Essentials Part 1: Weekly Plans Welcome to the first installment of our blog miniseries: Time Management…
Benefits of Post-Partum Massage and Bodywork
As a massage therapist, you’ve more than likely heard about prenatal massage. You might even offer it as…
Oncology Massage Can Bring Comfort and Pain Relief to Cancer and Hospice Patients
The power of touch through massage has been proven to reduce stress, depression, and pain while bringing peace…
Ensuring the Effectiveness of Clothed Massage
One of the things that may hinder would-be clients from getting a massage is that they don’t want…
Massage for Fibromyalgia
Did you know that doctors diagnose about 5.8 million Americans with fibromyalgia each year? Fibromyalgia is a syndrome…
Massage Therapy and the Healing Power of Music
In order to take all the thoughts about aches and pain away, mute their hurt with music! Music…
Optimal Positioning of Heavy-Set Massage Clients
What is obesity? Although it is often used as a derogatory term, obesity is a clinical term used…
Trigger Point Therapy for Massage Therapists
Massage therapists depend on their hands and wrists for their jobs. But bad posture and repetitive muscle strain…
Safety Tips and Tricks for Massage Therapists
Saftey for massage therapists is often an area that is overlooked. Whether it’s a lack of formal safety…
Self-Care Tips for Massage Therapists
Like any other profession, there’s always physical and mental stresses that go along with the job. As a…
Five Reasons You Should Attend Massage Live
With smartphones in most pockets and wi-fi as ever-present as corner coffee shops, the world is at your…