The Power of Your Brand
Whether you are conscious of it or not, branding is a powerful part of the industry. Every time you meet…
Marketing for Your Salon: Are You Doing Enough?
For any business, big or small, marketing plays a vital part in acquisition and retention. This is especially…
Here Comes the Bride
According to CNN the current value of the wedding industry in the U.S. is valued at $53.4 billion.…
It’s 2016 and everyone is using the World Wide Web for social media, cat videos, and everything in between.…
Build Your Own Social Media Cover Photos
Getting your company’s photos to fit the exact cover photo measurements for each of your social media sites…
Marketing Program for Massage Therapists
The Marketing Program for Massage Therapists follows a few basic business principles. Every marketing program contains four key…
What is Marketing? Massage Therapy
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]What is Marketing as it pertains to massage therapy? When marketing is based on the importance of…